Monday, April 11, 2005

Big Preach last night

i'm a lazy blogger. i realise my posting frequency has gone way down recently and i am gonna try to address that.
last night i did a big preach at St Aldates. haven't done one for a while. but the rector is away so it's all hands on deck.
did it on John 15 - abiding in the vine - in parallel with Gen 1:26f - God creating humankind on Day 6 and their first full day i.e. day 7 - being a day of 'work from rest' rather than 'rest from work'.
Jesus says quite clearly in John 15 that those who abide in him WILL BE FRUITFUL. I think sometimes we invest far too much of our energy in trying to be fruitful, trying to grow fruit (i did in fact use the phrase 'clench and squeeze' in front of 600 people last night...but i did apologise after commenting that it was probably the first (and last) time that phrase had been used from that platform), and not enough time and energy focused on 'abiding in the vine'. not that that means we don't do anything except walk around in a super-spiritual haze, just that we live out of a different centre where we realise that it's not all down to us to make it happen. if we abide, we WILL be fruitful. and of course i wanted to enlarge our understanding of what 'being fruitful' meant - to make it a much more holistic concept, understood as demonstrating God's creative power - in relationships, in church, at work, in our relationship with the land etc. and tracing a line from the original creation mandate ('be fruitful and multiply'), through God's covenant with Israel, the ministry of Jesus, and the great commission in Matt. 28.
am also down to preach next sunday morning (two sundays in a row - unheard of!) and am working on a 'secret-agent' idea. hmmmm...

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