Sunday, September 04, 2005

Blog-geek question

here's one for the blog-geeks out there...i am thinking about switching from Blogger to Typepad and i am wondering whether it is worth the money. one reason is that i have started using ecto for composing blog posts and while it's a great programme it doesn't support image uploading to blogger (but it does to typepad). in these days of feed aggregators don't most people read blogs without visiting the actual blogs anyway? that would suggest to me that there is little to be gained by upgrading. does anyone have any thoughts on this?


Unknown said...

I work for Six Apart, which makes TypePad, but some of the other many reasons most people who switch to TypePad enjoy it so much is because it also lets you group your posts into categories, lets you get TrackBacks and statistics from people who link to you, and lets you do more advanced things like posting from your mobile phone, creating photo albums, or even podcasting. Even if your readers are reading your site in a feed reader (which most estimates place at less than 10% of all weblog readers) they would still want to see the images on your blog, I think.

graham old said...

I wouldn't dream of paying for Typepad when you can get Wordpress for free.

graham old said...

There's already a couple of hosted Wordpress versions: (currently invite only, but that's apparently due to change.