Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Lectionary Reflection

today we remember St Luke the evangelist, and today's gospel reading is from Luke 10. There we read the familiar words, "the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few".
I want to suggest that when it comes to evangelism (which I would see as one part of mission) we often get this completely the wrong way round. Our attitude seems to be that the harvest is pretty feeble. There are not many people who are interested in becoming disciples of Jesus, so it would seem.
But Jesus suggests the opposite: there is nothing wrong with the harvest, that's not where the problem is. The problem is with the lack of labourers to gather the harvest in.
Perhaps we need to balance our prayers for the world - which are right and good - with prayer for ourselves, that we might be better labourers in the harvest field.

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