Saturday, January 01, 2005

The Vicar of Dibley and 'Making Poverty History

had another fine New Year day walk today - which is becoming something of a tradition round these parts.
after tea, crumpets and a DVD back at Chez Rees with friends Rich, Steve and Felicity Pip and I settled down to watch the New Year's Day episode of the Vicar of Dibley (as an Anglican clergyman you are required by law to watch it - like saying the Daily Office). Boy am I glad we did (said in an American accent)! It was like one long promo for Richard Curtis's campaign 'Make Poverty History' - which was fine by me (far more tasteful than the Xmas day episode which was quite frankly crap I thought).
2005 is a big year in the campaign for debt relief/trade justice/poverty eradication - particulary in the UK as it's our turn to chair the G8 this year. Richard Curtis has apparently set aside the whole of this year to work on the campaign instead of writing decidedly dodgy rom com scripts. looks like Hugh Grant won't be doing much this year either then - which is a bonus. find out more and sign up for the Make Poverty History campaign here.
Happy New Year.

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