Wednesday, January 26, 2005

welcome to our world

last night Pip and I hosted an 'orientation evening' for people who have been expressing an interest in getting connected to the community of hOME. we were surprsied and pleased to see 12 people turn up to our small house. i had prepared a very basic powerpoint presentation which i hoped to show from my Mac via an S-Video lead. only problem is that our TV will only display a PAL signal and Macs output is NTSC. newer tellies can cope with both. ours can't. so the presentation was in Black and White. Not that impressive then!
anyway, we survived. we're so pleased to be growing but it does mean we are faced with the usual challenge to integrate new people into our community. i guess these are the points where people (myself included) can hanker after 'the way it was' if we're not careful. But we are called to be a community that draws people into relationship with each other for the sake of the mission of God in Oxford (in all it's variety). I, for one, am looking forward to welcoming these new people to our world.


jonny said...

macs are set up to use anywhere. you just need to change the system preferences. once your tv is plugged in click on system preferences on your dock. then click on displays. click on detect displays. you can then either mirror the displays or split the screen. either way you can then change the settings for each display which includes various NTSC and PAL options...

Matt said...

thanks Jonny - i had another play around with the settings and it's working fine now. the good people on the apple helpline weren't as helpful as you - if you ever need a second income i suggest you give them your CV!